[01-06] Buffyverse [Angel, Buffy] [07-22] Dollhouse [23-29] Doctor Who/Torchwood [30-33] Firefly [34-35] Lost Girl [36-42] Merlin [43-55] Fringe [Olivia and Alt!Olivia] [56-63] LOST [64-74] Legend of the Seeker [75-80] The Vampire Diaries
[1-13] Dollhouse 2x08 - Love Supreme [14-20] Supernatural 5x16 - Dark side Of The Moon [21-30] The Vampire Diaries - 1x18 - Under Control [31-37] Blood+
[1-21] Natalie Portman [22-39] 500 Days of Summer [40-59] Jennifer's Body [60-63] Titanic [64-65] Alias [66-130] Dollhouse [131-133] Dr. Who (cast) [134-158] Lost
[1-7] Gaspard Ulliel [8-13] Joseph Gordon-Levitt [14-25] Kate Winslet [26-35] Marion Cotillard [36-43] 500 Days of Summer [44-58] Bourne Trilogy [59-67] Inception [68-75] Paramore [76-82] Big Bang Theory [83-117] Criminal Minds [118-139] Dollhouse